Monday, September 24, 2007

Listerine Dissolving White Strips

Big thumbs down. It was a great idea. Maybe my expectations were too high. I'm sure this product will be improved under other brand names. The taste was atrocious.

Getting the strip out of the package was a pain. Once the strip was put on the teeth - it would not come off. I would try to pry it off or gargle or something to try to dissolve it, but I'm afraid of it hitting my taste buds anymore.

So since it's unforgiving and stuck where it's at - the bottom half of my teeth will be nice and white. I'm typing while these strips are stuck to my teeth and I'm trying to hold it together and give them a fair chance. I feel like Elf when he sprayed the fruit perfume in his mouth. eeeeehhhhh!!!

I give these strips a HUGE BOOOOOOOO!!!!!

My free samples didn't come with enough information. I don't know how long these things will last. The material is like that of a tougher breath strip.

As I said - it was a good idea, but I would wait for newer versions to pop up before I'd buy.

And I'm sure once you use them a couple times getting them on the teeth properly wouldn't be too tough. I did it without a mirror.

I'm sticking with my crest whitestrips and/or dentist whitening (I've used both).

I was only sent two samples so I have no clue if these puppies whiten effectively. My teeth are pretty white to begin with.

The mere fact that they are so difficult to deal with makes their whitening power a non issue since there are so many other effective products out there.

Again: Good idea, bad execution.

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