Wednesday, October 10, 2007

mark. cosmetics

I used mark in my early college years and loved it! If you haven't heard of mark they are an avon company so right there you know they are tried and true. Avon's been around since the 1800's crazy huh?

I can just picture those door to door ladies in a horse and buggy offering miracle creams and potions lol. Good stuff.

Mark. is avon's attempt to catch a younger crowd. I always loved the price and quality of Avon so mark was a natural progression since it's based on my age group.

The cosmetics themselves are just as good if not better than Avon and just as good if not better than anything you can get at the stores. Some of it's even cheaper - imagine that!

They also have clothing, accessories, skincare, and one-of-a-kind fragrances.

Check it out at

I will happily answer any of your questions.

Love and gratitude to you and yours.

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