Monday, December 10, 2007

Exposed toothbrushes - the horror!!!

We just moved to our new apartment. We have kitties. They are not supposed to be on the bathroom counters for any reason. Occassionally I have caught them up there and I started to worry about our exposed toothbrushes. Ew.

So I decided we needed a covered toothbrush holder - ASAP!

At first I really like this one:

available at

It would hold everything and keep it nice and tidy. It was a little over $15 and with shipping it would have been around $22. Not too bad, but I realized that everything really did need to fit in there. As in we could never have an odd shaped toothpaste and I've never even seen a floss container that looked like that.

So my second choice was this:


It is available in 3 different finishes (oil rubbed bronze, chrome, and brushed aluminum). It's 19.99 and given the choice, my husband like this one better.

I guess it depends on how important aesthetics vs organization is to you (they're about equal for me so the hubby is usually the tie breaker). This one holds three toothbrushes and has a big open section for toothpaste. it could hold a lot more if you took out the metal divider. I'm happy with it and it has been a great addition to our bathroom organization.

Oh yeah - in case you were worried ~ we bought new toothbrushes to go in it (just in case).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sexy Curves

Curves was kind enough to send me a free sample of their new cereal line. It tastes like normal cereal. No surprises. If you like honey nut crunch type cereals - then this would be a healthy addition to your breakfast choices.

I, personally, don't care for cereal as a breakfast food at all. You eat a bowl and a few minutes later - feel totally hungry again. I would definitely fit it in as a snack though. Sometimes cereal is just a feel good food that you need to satisfy that 'crunching' urge.

Love and gratitude to all!!

P.S. Hopefully I'll be getting some more exciting products to review soon. If you have any suggestions - feel free to leave comments.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

As first review is for mark. glow baby glow lip gloss in pink crush. I LOVE this and it's a popular seller so I'm guessing the majority of the readers who try it will like it too.

It comes in their popular hook-up form but it's also in a variety of other forms on the site.

Order it directly from me (by just telling me you want it) OR go to and get it sent directly to you.

I realize this review wasn't as in depth as most, but I think I'm coming down with a lil somethin. After finishing these last couple lines I will be strolling to the fridge to stare at it for 10 minutes deciding that I didn't want anything in the first place and then going to bed.

Love and gratitude to all!!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

mark. cosmetics

I used mark in my early college years and loved it! If you haven't heard of mark they are an avon company so right there you know they are tried and true. Avon's been around since the 1800's crazy huh?

I can just picture those door to door ladies in a horse and buggy offering miracle creams and potions lol. Good stuff.

Mark. is avon's attempt to catch a younger crowd. I always loved the price and quality of Avon so mark was a natural progression since it's based on my age group.

The cosmetics themselves are just as good if not better than Avon and just as good if not better than anything you can get at the stores. Some of it's even cheaper - imagine that!

They also have clothing, accessories, skincare, and one-of-a-kind fragrances.

Check it out at

I will happily answer any of your questions.

Love and gratitude to you and yours.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Listerine Dissolving White Strips

Big thumbs down. It was a great idea. Maybe my expectations were too high. I'm sure this product will be improved under other brand names. The taste was atrocious.

Getting the strip out of the package was a pain. Once the strip was put on the teeth - it would not come off. I would try to pry it off or gargle or something to try to dissolve it, but I'm afraid of it hitting my taste buds anymore.

So since it's unforgiving and stuck where it's at - the bottom half of my teeth will be nice and white. I'm typing while these strips are stuck to my teeth and I'm trying to hold it together and give them a fair chance. I feel like Elf when he sprayed the fruit perfume in his mouth. eeeeehhhhh!!!

I give these strips a HUGE BOOOOOOOO!!!!!

My free samples didn't come with enough information. I don't know how long these things will last. The material is like that of a tougher breath strip.

As I said - it was a good idea, but I would wait for newer versions to pop up before I'd buy.

And I'm sure once you use them a couple times getting them on the teeth properly wouldn't be too tough. I did it without a mirror.

I'm sticking with my crest whitestrips and/or dentist whitening (I've used both).

I was only sent two samples so I have no clue if these puppies whiten effectively. My teeth are pretty white to begin with.

The mere fact that they are so difficult to deal with makes their whitening power a non issue since there are so many other effective products out there.

Again: Good idea, bad execution.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Murray Sugar Free Fudge Dipped Shortbread cookies. That's right they're sugar free - but they don't taste like it.

These babies curb my sugar/chocolate cravings and I don't have to feel guilty about it. Sugar free and only 140 calories for 5 cookies. FIVE!

No cholesterol and 2 grams of protein!

Murray also has chocolate chip, shortbread, fudge dipped vanilla wafers, and vanilla wafers.

I'll be trying them all and I'll let you know how they are OR feel free to comment and let me know what you think about all the varieties of Murray Sugar Free cookies.

For more info visit

EDIT/UPDATE: The Murray thin mints taste just like the Girl Scout cookies. The chocolate chip cookies taste sugar free...I'm picky about my chocolate chip cookies, but these are a thumbs down for me. The rest of them so far have been delicious though.

Chapped Lips, buh bye.

While waiting for my new samples to review, I suddenly remembered one of my products I received nearly a year ago that is review worthy.

Oasis mouthwash from the makers of Sensodyne.

Now it's regular mouthwash so my biggest complaint is that it does not leave my mouth with the tingly minty fresh feeling. Although some people find that a plus.

This product was designed to fight dry mouth. I never thought of myself having dry mouth, but dry lips are a symptom and I have the driest lips of anyone I know.

I tried this product and my lips felt hydrated for once. Oasis and some new lip products I've happened upon...I hope to have beautifully smooth lips very soon.